lunedì 17 giugno 2013

How-to Install Latest Firefox 24 Browser x86_64 on Linux Kali/BackTrack 5 R3 KDE4 64bit Easy Visual-Guide

The Guide Show How-to Install Firefox 24 Latest Stable x86_64 Browser for Linux Kali/BackTrack 5 R3 KDE4 Amd64 Desktop.


The Firefox Latest Version Coexist Perfectly with the Others Firefox Versions without Making Any Troubles, this Meaning that Once Fired Up it Will Simply Follow to Load the Existing Default Firefox Environment.


To Make Easier the Visualization of the Entire Process I have Inserted the Essentials Screenshots of the Installation.


Inside the Instructions you will Find also a Link to How-to Create a Launcher for Firefox Browser on Linux KDE4 Desktop.

Firefox on Debian
  1. Download Latest Firefox x86_64 for Linux:

    Firefox 24 x86_64 tar.bz2
  2. Double-Click on Archive and Extract Into /tmp Install Firefox on Linux KDE4 Extraction
  3. Open a Terminal Window
    Linux Kde4 Open Terminal
  4. Relocate Firefox Directory

    Login as SuperUser


    Make a Firefox Directory

    mkdir /opt/firefox
    Move Firefox Into Latest so to Prepare for a Possible Firefox Nightlies Installation
    mv /tmp/firefox /opt/firefox/firefox-latest

    Make a Firefox-Latest Symlink for Easy-Starting

    ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox-latest/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox-latest
    Next you Can Start Firefox from Terminal with
  5. Create a Custom Launcher for Easy-Starting:

    KDE4 How Menu Launcher
    Firefox & KDE4 Desktop Launcher
  6. How-to Install Google-Chrome Browser on Linux BackTrack:

    Install Google-Chrome for BackTrack